NOTE: this is my work towards finding a new media educating the public on a cause. The cause I chose to exhibit throughout my studies is climate change with a focus towards ecological performance.
This media and type ofexperience is intended to occur anywhere and for any cause that a person might be passionate about.
This story is merely one day in the year. It begins with a collection of people. People of different backgrounds, different reasons for being at that dock in the Ventura Marina.
It’s early morning. Early morning because the journey to the island by boat is approximately one hour. These guests are in for an experience. It’s a full day excursion out to the island where they will experience the environment in a whole new way. The land is not distorted, nor has it remained untouched. The sad truth is in order for architecture to prevail, for technology and development to occur, for the future ‘societal, political, economic’ growth of the planet, it seems the environment has to suffer in some way.
At least that’s what we as a society have be taught to think. But I can’t even say that we’ve been taught to think that. Who taught us that it’s ok to build factories distributing heavy toxins into the air? Who said it was ok to eat meat? Who allowed us to pollute the earth with all our nonsensical waste? It’s second nature for us to take from the earth and not put back what we have taken. We’ve done it forever as the human race because it’s what we’ve needed to do to survive.
But we’ve reached a point. A point where we can no longer continue living this way because the planet will not last forever.
The excursion is not solving the issue of climate change. How could it? Sustainable practices are of course taken into consideration, but what this expedition is truly intended to do is to celebrate the wilderness that is left. Yes, it may seem futile and unproductive to ‘build’ something out on these island. And you know what, it very well may be. But the structures that are placed here, may be temporary. They may be more permanent. Only time will tell.
<< site context >>
integration of a synthetic material into a natural context
Nature performs. Nature puts on a series of performances every single day. We’ve become so acquainted with it, we tend to not notice how freaking amazing the earth is. Like the ocean!
PLAYWRIGHT'S FOOTNOTE. I’ve spent many a day particularly in quarantine, going to the ocean. (by car! Even I, trying to advocate the importance of saving our planet – I think so little of the impact that my one car has. And maybe my car doesn’t. Maybe me driving to the beach doesn’t make much of a difference and maybe another person driving to the beach, maybe that doesn’t make much of a difference either. But, as we all hopefully realize by now, everyone’s single little car driving down to the beach, everyone doing that, it adds up.) The performance the ocean put on is multi-faceted. Close your eyes and the sound, it’s therapeutic and melodic. The push and pull of the tide is mesmerizing and entertaining. The smell, haha the smell, it can either be pleasing or otherwise not. But, the occasionally whiff of low tide is simply part of the show.

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

This expedition to Anacapa Island is to reacquaint guests with what Nature is giving us, what is has been giving us and what it can continue to provide for us if we start taking care of it. Through acts of literal performance, can people be reminded that Nature does it simply by itself? Without human intervention.
A sustainable society is what we are trying to create. One where we have learned to live within the boundaries established by ecological limits. Our planet is extraordinary and can do so much.


2 pm: arrive to Anacapa
(audience partakes in individual exploration.)
4 pm: act 1 begins. visitors proceed to the underground. white noise fills the encased tunnel that visitors take to reach their seats. this theater most similarly embodies a black box.
note: film is projected against the wall with a typical projector.
7:30: act 2 begins.
(audience lingers.)
8:45: act 3 begins. light is filtered. natural black box, the projection lights the space.